For assistance with this website or to report a problem please contact Sybil Gomes at 416 752-8720

Attention National Distributors:

We have updated the website for the NTS process.  To date we have had only two options to chose from New Title Solication Form one for Wal Mart and one for all others. We did not have a process in place to manage either Transition titles or Resigns.  Please note there are now two new options to address Transitions/Resigns, one for Wal Mart and one for all others.  When submitting for either a Transition or Resign please use the appropriate button and the corresponding form with be available.  On the two new forms for Transitions/Resigns we will not require any Comparatives, but we will require Old Bipad/New Bipad as well as previous National Distributor.  You must also indicate if it’s a Transition or Resign.

The process from this point remains unchanged.  



To access and use the CMMI Magazine Authorization System please follow these steps:

1. Copy and paste this link into Internet explorer:

2. Click the ‘National Distributor Login’ button

3. Enter your User Name and password. This information will have been forwarded to you by the CMMI Magazine team. If you cannot find this information please contact Sybil Gomes at 416 752-8720.

4. Click the ‘Login’ button

5.National Distributors can submit the New Title Soliciation From throught the website.  Click on the one for "Submit New Title Soliciation Form" or "Submit Resign/Transition Title Solication Form”. Once the document is completed click "Submit”. Notification of this will be sent to CMMI.

6. On the main screen you can browse all authorization form status records. Note that you can sort on each column which has an underlined header. For example, to sort on ‘Title’, click the underlined ‘Title’ header. Clicking again will reverse the sort order. To view an existing authorization form, click on ‘Auth Form’ or ‘Signed Auth Form’. The ‘Auth Form’ is the raw document received from the National Distributor. The ‘Signed Auth Form’ is the completed version which is uploaded by the NAM. 7. Titles and chain names may be searched by entering all or part of a search term in either search field. Click the desired button to search.

8. Authorization form transactions can be filtered by date by selecting a start and end date on the two calendars on the main screen. Note that the 'Posting Date' field is the trigger for the date filter rather than 'Approval Date'

9. To upload a new authorization form, find the desired authorization record and click the ‘Upload’ button associated with the chosen record.

10. This will navigate to a new form. Select the ‘Browse’ button and navigate to the authorization form on your PC. Double left-click on the required document then click the ‘Upload’ button. Click the ‘Return’ button to return to the previous screen.


This form may not display if the Google Toolbar or Google Toolbar Helper add-ins are enabled. To disable these add-ins, please see below

How to Disable Google Toolbar and Google Toolbar Helper

1. In Internet Explorer, click ‘Tools’ -> ‘Internet Options’

2. Select ‘Programs’ -> ‘Manage add-ons

3. Left-click on ‘Google Toolbar’ and click the ‘Disable’ button on lower-left of the screen

4. Click Close

5. Click OK

6. Exit and re-enter Internet Explorer
To access and use the CMMI Magazine Authorization System please follow these steps:

1. Copy and paste this link into Internet explorer:

2. Click the ‘NAM Login’ button

3. Enter your User Name and password. This information will have been forwarded to you by the CMMI Magazine team. If you cannot find this information please contact Sybil Gomes at 416 752-8720.

4. Click the ‘Login’ button

5. On the main screen you can browse all authorization form status records. Note that you can sort on each column with an underlined header. For example, to sort on ‘Title’, click the underlined ‘Title’ header. Clicking again will reverse the sort order. To view an existing authorization form or signed authorization form, click on ‘Auth Form’ or ‘Signed Auth Form’. The ‘Auth Form’ is the raw document received from the National Distributor. The ‘Signed Auth Form’ is the completed version which is uploaded by the NAM.

6. To upload a signed authorization form, find the desired authorization record and click the ‘Upload’ button associated with the chosen record.  If you are uploading multiple documents please 'zip' them. For more information how to use zip, please follow the following link: Zip Instructions

7. This will navigate to a new form. Select the ‘Browse’ button and navigate to the signed authorization form on your PC. Double left-click on the required document then click the ‘Upload’ button. Select either ‘Approved’ or ‘Declined’ to specify whether the chain has authorized the title or not then click the ‘Return’ button to return to the previous screen.